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The NEWS are divides in two parts. The first part gives you actual informations on events, literature etc. on salts and salt decay. The second part is the Newsletter, which will be completely revised in time intervals, dependent on the amount of informations, at least three times a year.

SaltWiki News[edit]

Conference "Salts in Cultural Heritage - Challenge for Research and Practice"[edit]

The Hornemann Institute held on 3rd to 5 February 2011 in cooperation with the Association of Restoration VDR a conference on the topic "Salts in Cultural Heritage. Challenge for Research and Practice". 180 guests from home and abroad heard three keynote lectures, and they many case studies on salt reduction. Many talks were given by an interdisciplinary team of authors. A particularly intensive exchange among professionals took place in the workshops on the last day.

A conclusion of the conference, see:

The abstracts of the talks are published in the e-publications on the website of the Hornemann Institute: auf

Some conference contributions are available as pdf-files:

  • Steffen Laue: Klimastabilisierung und Salzreduzierung in der Krypta von St. Maria im Kapitol in Köln
  • Michael Steiger: Kleine Kristalle, große Wirkung: Das schädigende Verhalten von Salzen in porösen Materialien
  • Lep al: Desalination by Electrokinetics
  • Eberhard Wendler: Erfassung und Vermeidung klimarelevanter Sorptions- und Hydratationswechsel bauschädlicher Salzgemische am Beispiel des Musensaals im Augsburger Fuggerhaus


SaltWiki as the English version of SaltWiki is now on-line for authors and editors. It will be available for all as soon as possible if enough content has been provided.

If YOU are interested in writing an article or making an English version of an article already published in the German SalzWiki please contact us. Especially native speakers are invited to join the SaltWiki - Team.


Michael Steiger, Kirsten Linnow, Dorothee Ehrhardt, Mandy Rohde(2011): Decomposition reactions of magnesium sulfate hydrates and phase equilibria in the MgSO4-H2O and Na+-Mg2+-Cl--SO42--H2O systems with implications for Mars, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 30 March 2011, ISSN 0016-7037, DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.03.038.

Saidov, T., Pel, L. (2009). The Formation of Meta Stable Sodium Sulphate Heptahydrate During Drying as Studied by NMR. Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media : A selection of papers presented at the 9th International Bologna Conference Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM 9), July 2008, Cambridge MA, USA. (Diffusion Fundamentals, Vol. 10, pp. 15.1-15.3).

Heiner Siedel(2010): Alveolar weathering of Cretaceous building sandstones on monuments in Saxony, Germany. In: Richard Prikryl, Akos Torok(Hrsg.): Natural stone resources for historical monuments. Geological Society London Special Publications, 333, pp. 243-289, DOI:10.1144/SP333.2

Bläuer C., Rousset B. (2009): Attempt to use a microwave moisture mapping system (MOIST 200B) to control and monitor the water uptake of stones in the frame of cultural heritage conservation. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating AMPERE 2009, 7-10 September, Karlsruhe, Germany, 29-32

Herbert Juling, Gerd Gülker, Akram El Jarad, Stefan Brüggerhoff, Dirk Kirchner, Kirsten Linnow, Michael Steiger (2006): Verhalten von Salzen in porösen Systemen. Unveröffentlichter Abschlussbericht, DFG-Paketvorhaben, pp. 58

Rosa M. Espinosa-Marzal, George W. Scherer (2010): Advances in Understanding Damage by Salt Crystallization, Accounts of Chemical Research /43/ (6), 897-905. Link zum Abstract:

Abstracts Workshop CRYSPOM II: The Abstracts as Download.


SWBSS 2011 - Salt Weathering on Buildings and Stone Scultpures - in Limassol, Cyprus

Die Konferenz legt den Schwerpunkt auf Schadensmechanismen, die für die Salzkristallisation bestimmenden Faktoren wie auch auf neue Materialien und restauratorischen Methoden.

The Website of the successor conference of SWBSS 2008 in Kopenhagen it online. The Flyer gives you the topics and essential informations.

The Newsletter[edit]

Mai 2011