BibManager: Overview

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Klemm.etal:1996b Klemm, Werner; Siedel, Heiner (1996): Sources of sulphate salt efflorescences at historical monuments: A geochemical study from Freiberg, Saxony. In: Riederer, Josef (eds.): Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, , 489-495.
Klemm.etal:1999 Klemm, Werner; Siedel, Heiner (1999): Schwefelisotopenanalyse von bauschädlichen Sulfatsalzen an historischen Bauwerken, Wiss. Mitt. Inst. Geol. TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Klemm.etal:2002 Klemm, Werner; Siedel, Heiner (2002): Evaluation of the origin of sulphate compounds in building stone by sulphur isotope ratio. In: Siegesmund, Siegfried; Weiss, Thomas; Vollbrecht, Axel (eds.): Natural Stone, Weathering Phenomena, Conservation Strategies and Case Studies, Geological Society, 419-429.