BibManager: Overview

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Charola.etal:1979b Charola, A. Elena; Lewin, Seymour Z. (1982): Examples of stone decay due to salt efflorescence. In:: Deterioration and preservation of stones: proceedings of the 3rd International Congress, Venezia, 24-27 octobre 1979 ,Università degli studi--istituto di chimica industriale.
Lewin.etal:1978 Lewin, Seymour Z.; Charola, A. E. (1978): Scanning electron microscopy in the diagnosis of 'diseased' stone. In: Scanning Electron Microscopy, 1 (), 695-704
Lewin:1971 Lewin, Seymour Z. (1971): Preserving decayed stone sculpture. In: National sculpture review, 20 (4), 22-25 27
Lewin:1982 Lewin, Seymour Z. (1982): The Mechanism of Mosonry Decay Through Crystallization, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
Lewin:1990 Lewin, Seymour Z. (): The susceptibility of calcareous stone to salt decay. In:: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium: The Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin: The influence of coastal environment and salt spray on limestone and marble. Bari, 7-10 June 1989,.
Lewin:etal:1979 Lewin, Seymour Z.; Charola, A. E. (1979): The physical chemistry of deteriorated brick and its impregnation technique. In:: Il mattone di venezia. Stato delle conoscenze tecnico-scientifiche. Atti del convegno, Venezia, Fondazione Cini, 22-23 Ottobre 1979,Laboratorio per lo Studio Della Dinamica Delle Grandi Masse Del C.N.R., Venezia 189-214.