BibManager: Overview

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Moropoulou.etal:1995 Mylona, Sophia (1996): Sulphur dioxide emission is Europe 1880-1991 and their effect on sulphur concentrations and depositions. In: Schwartz, Maurice L. (eds.): Le dessalement des matériaux poreux: 7èmes journées d'études de la SFIIC, Poitiers, 9-10 mai 1996,Hutchinson Ross Publishing Co. 662-689, 10.1034/j.1600-0889.1996.t01-2-00005.x.
Mylona:1996 Mylona, Sophia (1996): Sulphur dioxide emission is Europe 1880-1991 and their effect on sulphur concentrations and depositions. In: Tellus, 48 (5), 662-689, 10.1034/j.1600-0889.1996.t01-2-00005.x