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(Created page with "Templates for use in your articles you find below. If you need a spex ciel template for use in your acticles, please let me know on my discussion page [[user:Hschwarz|Hans-Jürg...")
(119 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
Templates for use in your articles you find below.
Here you can find all of the templates previously made available for authors. If you would like additional templates, please contact the administrator at the Hornemann Institute.  

If you need a spex ciel template for use in your acticles, please let me know on my discussion page [[user:Hschwarz|Hans-Jürgen Schwarz]]

== Classification of an article in SaltWiki ==

== Gliederung eines Artikels in SalzWiki ==
Each article tackles a self-contained subject. Explanations of terms can generally be found in the glossary. A Wiki article concentrates on the actual content and is linked to all subjects that are required or are important for understanding the article.<br>
The classification could look as follows (for example, see the article on render/mortar):
Im Folgenden finden Sie Vorschläge für die Gliederung eines Artikels in SalzWiki.
Each page starts with the page head, as proposed below.
Jeder Artikel behandelt ein in sich angeschossenes Thema. Begriffserklärungen sind in der Regel im Glossar vorzunehmen. Wenn notwendig kann auch ein eigener Artikel hierzu verfasst werden.
Ein Wiki-Artikel konzentriert sich auf den eigentlichen Inhalt und verlinkt zu allen Themen, die vorausgesetzt werden bzw. zum Verständnis des Artikels wichtig sind.
Die Gliederung könnte wie folgt aussehen (siehe z.B. den Artikel [[Putze/Mörtel]]):
Jede Seite beginnt mit dem Kopf der Seite, wie unten vorgeschlagen.
== Abstract ==
== Abstract ==
== Introduction ==
== Main chapter ==
=== Sub-chapter ===
== Web links ==
== Literature ==

== Einleitung ==
<bibprint/> : to use if at least one quote in Bibtex format is present in the text,  
              otherwise the complete list of references is displayed!
== Hauptkapitel ==
=== Unterkapitel ===
== Weblinks ==
== Literatur ==
<bibprint/> : nur verwenden, wenn mindestens ein Zitat im Bibtex-Format im Text vorliegt, da ansonsten das komplette Literaturverzeichnis angezeigt wird.


Liegen mehr als drei Überschriften vor, so erstellt die Software automatisch daraus ein Inhaltsverzeichnis, das vor die erste Überschrift eingefügt wird.
If there are more than three headings, then the software will automatically create a table of contents inserted before the first heading.
Werden in einem Artikel Begriffe genannt, die bereits in SalzWiki auf einer eigenen Seite behandelt sind, so sollte auf diese Seiten verlinkt werden(Formatierungsreiter: Interner Link).
Planen Sie zu einem in Ihrem Artikel genannten Thema/Begriff einen neuen, noch nicht existierenden Artikel zu verfassen, so können Sie auch auf diesen Begriff einen Link setzen. Dieser Link wird dann in Rot angezeigt, während Links zu existierenden Artikeln in Blau dargestellt werden. Auf die exakte Schreibweise bestehender Seiten ist zu achten (Groß- und Kleinbuchstaben werden unterschieden), da sonst eventuell bestehende Seiten nicht gefunden werden.

== Kopf einer Seite ==
== Head of a page ==

Author/s: [[user:Hschwarz|Hans-Jürgen Schwarz]]

'''Autoren:''' [[Benutzer:Hschwarz|Hans-Jürgen Schwarz]]         
''back to [[SalzWiki:Portal|SalzWiki]]           
zurück zu [[SalzWiki:Portal|SalzWiki]]           
[[Category:"Thema"]] [[Category:"Autor"]] [[Category:"Redakteur"]] [[Category:"Bearbeitungsstand"]]  
[[Category:"Topic"]] [[Category:"Author"]] [[Category:"Editor"]] [[Category:"Status"]]  

Line 56: Line 39:
| <nowiki><bibimport/></nowiki>  
| <nowiki><bibimport/></nowiki>  
| ermöglicht das Zitieren aus der Bibliographie<br>
| Allows quotation from the bibliography <br>
|<nowiki>'''Autoren:''' [[Benutzer:Hschwarz|Hans-Jürgen Schwarz]] </nowiki>         
|<nowiki>'''Author/s:''' [[user:Hschwarz|Hans-Jürgen Schwarz]] </nowiki>         
|Hier Autorennamen einsetzen, bei mehreren durch Kommata getrennt. Mit Benutzer:"Autorenname" wird auf die Autorenseite verwiesen<br>
|Insert author name here, separated by commas in the case of several. <nowiki>[[User:"Author name"]]</nowiki> links to the author page <br>
|<nowiki>zurück zu [[SalzWiki:Portal|SalzWiki]]</nowiki>             
|<nowiki>back to [[SalzWiki:Portal|SalzWiki]]</nowiki>             
|gehe eine Ebene zurück, hier zur Seite SalzWiki
|Optional: go back one level, here to the SaltWiki site
|<nowiki>[[Category:"Thema"]] [[Category:"Autor"]] [[Category:"Redakteur"]] [[Category:"Bearbeitungsstand"]] </nowiki>  
|<nowiki>[[Category:"Topic"]] [[Category:"Author"]] [[Category:"Editor"]] [[Category:"Status"]] </nowiki>  
|Kategorien sind sehr wichtig und müssen eingegeben werden. Die Kategorien erscheinen immer am Ende einer Seite
|Categories are very important and must be entered. The categories always appear at the end of a page .  
<br clear=all>
== Licences ==

== Lizenzen ==
In order to insert a licence, you only need to state the short form, including the curly brackets. If you need another licence please contact the [[user:Hschwarz|admin]] on his talk page .

Bisher werden folgende Lizenzen für alle Dateien im Repositorium eingesetzt. Um eine Lizenz einzufügen, brauchen Sie nur die Kurzform incl. der geschweiften Klammern anzugeben. Vergleichen Sie hierzu das, was Sie lesen, mit den Texten im Bearbeitungsmodus.
===Creative-Commons-Licence: CC_BY-NC-SA_3.0 ===

The template: <nowiki>{{CC-by-nc-sa}}</nowiki>
===Creative-Commons-Licence: CC_BY-NC-ND_3.0===
The template:<nowiki>{{CC-by-nc-nd}}</nowiki>


The template:<nowiki>{{GNU}}</nowiki>


===Public Domain Licence===
The template:<nowiki>{{PD}}</nowiki>


== Upload von Metadaten ==
== Uploading metadata ==
Auf den Upload-Seiten finden Sie Vorlagen für die Metadaten für die unterschiedlichen Dateien, die Sie hochladen möchten.

* Fotos
The following templates are available for metadata for different files that you may want to upload (there is also a link to them on the upload page)
* publizierte Artikel/Bücher etc.
* Photos
* graue Literatur
* Published articles/books, etc.
* nicht publizierte Bericht
* Grey literature
* wissenschaftliche Primärdaten
* Unpublished reports
* DOI-Metadaten
* Scientific primary data
* DOI metadata

Bitte kopieren Sie die entsprechende Vorlage in das Upload Formular und füllen es vollständig aus.
Please copy the relevant template into the upload form and complete it in full

{|cellspacing="0" cellpadding = "10" style="border-style:solid; border-color:black; border-width:1px;"
{|cellspacing="0" cellpadding = "10" style="border-style:solid; border-color:black; border-width:1px;"
|align="center" bgcolor="#ffff99" |Mit dem Hochladen bestätigen Sie, dass das hochgeladene Dokument/Datei frei von Rechten Dritter ist bzw. die Nutzungserlaubnis Ihnen vorliegt.
|align="center" bgcolor="#ffff99" |By uploading, you confirm that the uploaded document / file is free of rights of third parties respectively you have permission to use.

Uploading is in the repository. To embed a file (eg a photo) in SaltWiki, you need to know the name of the file in the repository.

Das Hochladen findet immer im Repositorium statt, in dem auch dann die Dateien abgelegt werden. Um eine Datei (z.B. ein Foto) in SalzWiki einbinden zu können, benötigen Sie den korrekten Namen, den Sie im Repositorium finden.
Here as an example:

Hier ein Beispiel:
Call up the template using: <pre>{{MetadataPhoto_upload}}</pre>

Aussehen der Volage:
Appearance of the template for photos:
'''Master copy'''
<br> <noinclude>
|Beschreibung =
|Quelle =
|Datum =
|Autor =
|Erlaubnis =
|Bemerkungen =

== Infobox Salze ==
== Salts information box: Infobox Salts ==

Wenn Sie die Seite eines neuen Salzes anlegen, benutzen Sie bitte diese Vorlage für die Tabelle mit den Kenndaten eines Salzes. Sollte die Infobox_Salze nicht alle gewünschten Parameter beinhalten, die Sie benötigen, wenden Sie sich bitte an [[user:Hschwarz|Hans-Jürgen Schwarz]] und schreiben Ihre gewünschten Parameter auf die Diskussionsseite.
If you want to create the page of a new salt, please use this template for the characteristics. Should the salts information box not have all of the required parameters that you need, please contact [[user:Hschwarz| the admin]]or write your required parameter on the discussion page.

Aussehen: {{Infobox_Salz}}
Appearance of the template {{Infobox_Salt}}

''' Master copy'''
== Kopiervorlage ==
|Footnote             =
|photo                = [[Image:"file name"|300px]]
|mineralogical_Name  =
|bild =
|chemical_Name        =
|Trivial_Name        =
|chemischerName =
|chemicalFormula      =
|Trivialname =
|Hydratforms          =
|chemFormel =
|Crystal_Class        =
|Hydratformen =
|Deliqueszenzhumidity =
|Kristallklasse =
|Solubility          =
|Deliqueszenzfeuchte =
|Density              =
|MolVolume            =
|Dichte =
|Molweight            =
|Molvolumen =
|Transparency        =
|Molgewicht =
|Cleavage            =
|Transparenz =
|Crystal_Habit        =
|Spaltbarkeit =
|Twinning            =
|Kristallhabitus =
|Refractive_Indices  =
|Zwillingsbildung =
|Birefringence        =
|Brechungsindices =
|optical_Orientation  =
|Doppelbrechung =
|Pleochroism          =
|Dispersion           =
|Pleochroismus =
|Phase_Transition    =
|Dispersion =
|chemBehavior        =
|Phasenübergang =
|Comments            =
|chemVerhalten =
|Bemerkungen =
Line 163: Line 151:
<br clear=all>
<br clear=all>

== Tabelle mit Tabellenüberschrift ==
== Table with table heading ==

;Formatangaben für eine Tabelle mit 3 Spalten und 3 Zeilen.<br>
In order to create a table, you can either use the Editor button or use the following template:
:width= "52%"            //  gibt die Tabellenbreite in % der Seitenbreite an<br>
<br clear="all">                
:align="left"            // linksbündig, right = Rechtsbündig, center = zentriert<br>
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="52%" align="left" class="wikitable sortable"
:bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|    // gibt die Hintergrundfarbe für das jeweilige Feld an<br>
|+''Table 1: Table heading''                    <!-- insert Table heading -->
:class="wikitable sortable"  // sortiert alle Zeilen nach dem Spalteninhalt, beim Klicken
<pre>{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="52%" align="left" class="wikitable sortable"
|+''Tabelle 1: Tabellenüberschrift''                    <!-- Tabellenüberschrift einfügen -->
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|'''Spaltenüberschrift 1'''
|bgcolor = "#F0F0F0"|'''Column heading 1'''
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|'''Spaltenüberschrift 2'''
|bgcolor = "#F0F0F0"|'''Column heading 2'''
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|'''Spaltenüberschrift 3'''
|bgcolor = "#F0F0F0"|'''Column heading 3'''
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|Zeileninhalt 1
|bgcolor = "#F7F7F7"|row heading 1
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|Zeileninhalt 2
|bgcolor = "#F7F7F7"|row heading 2
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
<br clear="all">

<br clear="all">                 <!-- bewirkt das der Text nicht um die Tabelle herumfließt -->
;Format details for a table with 3 columns and 3 rows<br>
:width= "52%"           //  gives the table width as a % of the page width<br>
:align="left"            // flush left, right = flush right, center = centred<br>
:bgcolor = "#F0F0F0"    // gives the background colour for the respective field<br>
:class="wikitable sortable"  // Click for all rows sorted by column content

{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="52%" align="left" class="wikitable sortable"
'''Master copy'''
|+''Tabelle 1: Tabellenüberschrift''  
<br clear="all">
<pre>{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="52%" align="left" class="wikitable sortable"
|+''Table 1: Table heading''                   <!-- insert Table heading -->
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|'''Spaltenüberschrift 1'''
|bgcolor = "#F0F0F0"|'''Column heading 1'''
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|'''Spaltenüberschrift 2'''
|bgcolor = "#F0F0F0"|'''Column heading 2'''
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|'''Spaltenüberschrift 3'''
|bgcolor = "#F0F0F0"|'''Column heading 3'''
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|Zeileninhalt 1
|bgcolor = "#F7F7F7"|row heading 1
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|Zeileninhalt 2
|bgcolor = "#F7F7F7"|row heading 2
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
<br clear="all">                <!-- has the effect that the text does not flow around the table -->
== Yellow Notice ==
If you wish to show a notice in a yellow frame , please use the template <pre> {{Ynotice}}</pre>

<br clear="all">
It looks like:

== Einbinden  Fotos ==
'''Master copy'''

Zum Einbinden eines Fotos in eine Wiki-Seite benutzen Sie bitte diese Vorlage, fügen den Namen Ihrer Abbildung ein und passen die Formatierungsangaben, wie unten näher erläutert, an.

<pre>[[Image:vollständiger Name der Abbildung|thumb|center|300px|Abbildung 1: Text]] </pre>
{{Ynotice|text= YOUR TEXT}}


'''Image:'''"Dateiname"  - der Name, unter dem die Abbildung im Repositorium vorliegt<br>
== Status of an article ==
'''thumb''': Gibt an, dass man die Abbildung verkleinert einbindet, in einer Größe, die in px = Pixel angegeben wird<br>
'''Zentriert''': center <br>
'''Linksbündig''': left <br>
'''Rechtsbündig''': right<br>

'''300px''' : die Bildbreite ist 300 Pixel<br>
'''Article to be written'''

'''Text''': Die Bildunterschrift wird hier eingegeben<br>
Please use the master copy:

[[Image:HJS Ca(NO3)2 101703-4-4.jpg|thumb|center|300px|Abbildung 1: Text]]
'''Article in Progress'''

== Einbinden Ogg-Videos ==
Please use the master copy:

Da bisher nur Videos im Format "OGG" eingebunden werden können, sollten am besten auch nur Videos in diesem Format hochgeladen werden. Viele gängige Videoschnittprogramme bieten noch nicht das OGG-Format an. Mit dem kostenfreien VLC-Player kann aber recht einfach aus den üblichen Formaten ein Video im OGG-Format erstellt werden. Hierzu eine Kurzanleitung:
==Embedding photos in a text ==

* VLC Media Player starten (wenn nicht vorhanden, installieren)
To embed a photo in a Wiki page, please use this template, insert the name of your illustration and amend the formatting details, as explained in more detail below.
* Im Menue Medien "Konvertierung/Speichern"
* Mit Hinzufügen die Datei auswählen, die konvertiert werden soll
* auf "Konvertierung/Speichern" klicken
* im neuen Menue die Zieldatei eingeben (z.B. derselbe Dateinamen mit Extension ".ogg")
* bei Einstellungen das Profil: "Video - Theora+Vorbis(OGG)" auswählen
* Start anklicken
* das Video wird abgespielt und dabei umgewandelt

<pre>[[Image:''full name of the photo''|thumb|center|300px|caption]] </pre>

Videos im Format ".ogg" können direkt auf den Seiten angesehen werden. Hierzu geben Sie ein 
*'''thumb''': States that the illustration is embedded in a reduced size, given in px = Pixelsl<br>
*'''center''':  center <br>
*'''left''': left <br>
*'''right''': right<br>
*'''300px''' : The image width is 300 pixels; can be amended to meet your own requirements
*'''caption''': The illustration caption is entered here<br>
[[Image:HJS Ca(NO3)2 101703-4-4.jpg|thumb|center|300px|caption]]

<pre>[[Datei:Name des Videos.ogg]] </pre>  wie z.B. <br>
== Embedding videos ==

<pre>[[Datei:MgSO4_Kristallisationsvideo.ogg]] </pre>
As previously only videos in the format "OGG" were able to be embedded, only videos in this format should be uploaded.  

Detailangaben zur Breite etc. wie unter "Einbinden Fotos".
Videos in the ".ogg" format can be viewed directly on the pages. To do this, enter the following:

mit <pre>[[Datei:MgSO4_Kristallisationsvideo.ogg|thumb|300px|Kristallisation von Magnesiumsulfat]]</pre> wird das Video wie gezeigt dargestellt.
<pre>[[image:"name of the video".ogg]] </pre> e.g. <br>

[[Datei:MgSO4_Kristallisationsvideo.ogg|thumb|300px|Kristallisation von Magnesiumsulfat]]
<pre>[[image:MgSO4_Kristallisationsvideo.ogg]] </pre>

Detailed information on the width, etc., as under "Embedding photos" using, as an example
with <pre>[[image:MgSO4_Kristallisationsvideo.ogg|thumb|300px|Figure 1:Crystallisation of Magnesiumsulfat]]</pre> the video will be shown as follows.
[[image:MgSO4_Kristallisationsvideo.ogg|thumb|300px|Figure 1: Crystallisation of Magnesiumsulfat]]

<br clear=all>
<br clear=all>
== Weblinks ==
<pre><references/>  //all "footnotes" will be shown</pre>

== DynamicPageList  ==
== DynamicPageList  ==

Mit der "DynamicPageList kann man Zusammenstellungen von allem erzeugen, was mittels Kategorien verschlagwortet ist.
Using the "DynamicPageList", it is possible to generate compilations of everything that is tagged using categories,
e.g. all pages in the category "Niter" are listed with the following details:

Z.B. werden alle Seiten zur Kategorie Gips mit folgenden Angaben aufgelistet:
  category = Niter
  format  = ,\n* [[%PAGE%]],,

The list (if input available):
  category = Niter
  format  = ,\n* [[%PAGE%]],,
=== Create a new list/table based on tables in different articles ===
With the extension DynamicPageList it is also possible to create lists from tables based on the same template according to the variables used there.
Here's an example: With the entries in the "info box" of the nitrate salts  create  a new, sortable table with the columns birefringence, refractive indices, molar volume, solubility and deliqueszenzhumidity.

The following DPL statements :
category        = Nitrat&Salt
include        = {Infobox_Salt}:birefringence:refractive_indices:molvolume:solubility :deliqueszenzhumidity
table          = class="wikitable sortable" ,birefringence,refractive_indices,molvolume,solubility,deliqueszenzhumidity
tablerow        =%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow align=center|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%
suppresserrors  = true
You will get the resulting table (if input available):
category = Nitrat&Salt
include ={Infobox_Salt}:birefringence:refractive_indices:molvolume:solubility :deliqueszenzhumidity
table=class="wikitable sortable",birefringence,refractive_indices,molvolume,solubility,deliqueszenzhumidity
tablerow=%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow align=center|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%

Revision as of 10:24, 17 March 2017

<accesscontrol>autor</accesscontrol> Here you can find all of the templates previously made available for authors. If you would like additional templates, please contact the administrator at the Hornemann Institute.

Classification of an article in SaltWiki[edit]

Each article tackles a self-contained subject. Explanations of terms can generally be found in the glossary. A Wiki article concentrates on the actual content and is linked to all subjects that are required or are important for understanding the article.
The classification could look as follows (for example, see the article on render/mortar): Each page starts with the page head, as proposed below.

== Abstract ==
== Introduction ==
== Main chapter ==
=== Sub-chapter ===
== Web links ==
== Literature ==

<bibprint/> : to use if at least one quote in Bibtex format is present in the text, 
              otherwise the complete list of references is displayed!

If there are more than three headings, then the software will automatically create a table of contents inserted before the first heading.

Head of a page[edit]

Author/s: [[user:Hschwarz|Hans-Jürgen Schwarz]]

''back to [[SalzWiki:Portal|SalzWiki]]           
[[Category:"Topic"]] [[Category:"Author"]] [[Category:"Editor"]] [[Category:"Status"]] 
<bibimport/> Allows quotation from the bibliography
'''Author/s:''' [[user:Hschwarz|Hans-Jürgen Schwarz]] Insert author name here, separated by commas in the case of several. [[User:"Author name"]] links to the author page
back to [[SalzWiki:Portal|SalzWiki]] Optional: go back one level, here to the SaltWiki site
[[Category:"Topic"]] [[Category:"Author"]] [[Category:"Editor"]] [[Category:"Status"]] Categories are very important and must be entered. The categories always appear at the end of a page .


In order to insert a licence, you only need to state the short form, including the curly brackets. If you need another licence please contact the admin on his talk page .

Creative-Commons-Licence: CC_BY-NC-SA_3.0[edit]

The template: {{CC-by-nc-sa}}


This image or file is licensed under the Creative-Commons-License Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike Germany in the version 3.0.

You are free:

  • to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work
  • to Remix — to adapt the work

Under the following conditions:

  • Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
  • Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
  • Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one

Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to the Commons Deed.

Creative-Commons-Licence: CC_BY-NC-ND_3.0[edit]

The template:{{CC-by-nc-nd}}


This image or file is licensed under the Creative-Commons-License Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works Germany in the version 3.0.

You are free:

  • to Share — to copy, distribute and transmit the work

Under the following conditions:

  • Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
  • Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes.
  • No Derivative Works — You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to the Commons Deed.


The template:{{GNU}}


Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.

Public Domain Licence[edit]

The template:{{PD}}


This file has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder, its copyright has expired, or it is ineligible for copyright.

Uploading metadata[edit]

The following templates are available for metadata for different files that you may want to upload (there is also a link to them on the upload page)

  • Photos
  • Published articles/books, etc.
  • Grey literature
  • Unpublished reports
  • Scientific primary data
  • DOI metadata

Please copy the relevant template into the upload form and complete it in full

By uploading, you confirm that the uploaded document / file is free of rights of third parties respectively you have permission to use.

Uploading is in the repository. To embed a file (eg a photo) in SaltWiki, you need to know the name of the file in the repository.

Here as an example:

Call up the template using:


Appearance of the template for photos:

Description {{{description}}}
Source {{{source}}}
Date {{{date}}}
Author/s {{{author}}}
Permission {{{permission}}}
Notes {{{notes}}}

Master copy


Salts information box: Infobox Salts[edit]

If you want to create the page of a new salt, please use this template for the characteristics. Should the salts information box not have all of the required parameters that you need, please contact the adminor write your required parameter on the discussion page.

Appearance of the template

Mineralogical name {{{mineralogical_Name}}}
Chemical name {{{chemical_Name}}}
Trivial name {{{Trivial_Name}}}
Chemical formula {{{chemical_Formula}}}
Other forms {{{Hydratforms}}}
Crystal system {{{Crystal_System}}}
Crystal structure {{{Crystal_Structure}}}
Deliquescence humidity 20°C {{{Deliqueszenzhumidity}}}
Solubility (g/l) at 20°C {{{Solubility}}}
Density (g/cm³) {{{Density}}}
Molar volume {{{MolVolume}}}
Molar weight {{{Molweight}}}
Transparency {{{Transparency}}}
Cleavage {{{Cleavage}}}
Crystal habit {{{Crystal_Habit}}}
Twinning {{{Twinning}}}
Phase transition {{{Phase_Transition}}}
Chemical behavior {{{chemBehavior}}}
Comments {{{Comments}}}
Crystal Optics
Refractive Indices {{{Refractive_Indices}}}
Birefringence {{{Birefringence}}}
Optical Orientation {{{optical_Orientation}}}
Pleochroism {{{Pleochroism}}}
Dispersion {{{Dispersion}}}
Used Literature

Master copy

|Footnote             =
|photo                =  [[Image:"file name"|300px]]
|mineralogical_Name   =
|chemical_Name        =
|Trivial_Name         =
|chemicalFormula      =
|Hydratforms          =
|Crystal_Class        =
|Deliqueszenzhumidity =
|Solubility           =
|Density              =
|MolVolume            =
|Molweight            =
|Transparency         =
|Cleavage             =
|Crystal_Habit        =
|Twinning             =
|Refractive_Indices   =
|Birefringence        =
|optical_Orientation  =
|Pleochroism          =
|Dispersion           =
|Phase_Transition     =
|chemBehavior         =
|Comments             =

Table with table heading[edit]

In order to create a table, you can either use the Editor button or use the following template:

Table 1: Table heading
Column heading 1 Column heading 2 Column heading 3
row heading 1 Text Text
row heading 2 Text Text

Format details for a table with 3 columns and 3 rows
width= "52%" // gives the table width as a % of the page width
align="left" // flush left, right = flush right, center = centred
bgcolor = "#F0F0F0" // gives the background colour for the respective field
class="wikitable sortable" // Click for all rows sorted by column content

Master copy

{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="52%" align="left" class="wikitable sortable"
|+''Table 1: Table heading''                    <!-- insert Table heading -->
|bgcolor = "#F0F0F0"|'''Column heading 1'''
|bgcolor = "#F0F0F0"|'''Column heading 2'''
|bgcolor = "#F0F0F0"|'''Column heading 3'''
|bgcolor = "#F7F7F7"|row heading 1
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
|bgcolor = "#F7F7F7"|row heading 2
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFFEO"|Text
<br clear="all">                 <!-- has the effect that the text does not flow around the table -->

Yellow Notice[edit]

If you wish to show a notice in a yellow frame , please use the template


It looks like:


Master copy

{{Ynotice|text= YOUR TEXT}}

Status of an article[edit]

Article to be written

Pen-64x64.png Authors Wanted! This article is waiting to be written. Pen-64x64.png
Please have first a look to the German SalzWiki. If there is an article on that topic you may start with an English version of it.

Please use the master copy:


Article in Progress

This article will be released soon.

Please use the master copy:


Embedding photos in a text[edit]

To embed a photo in a Wiki page, please use this template, insert the name of your illustration and amend the formatting details, as explained in more detail below.

[[Image:''full name of the photo''|thumb|center|300px|caption]] 
  • thumb: States that the illustration is embedded in a reduced size, given in px = Pixelsl
  • center: center
  • left: left
  • right: right
  • 300px : The image width is 300 pixels; can be amended to meet your own requirements
  • caption: The illustration caption is entered here

Embedding videos[edit]

As previously only videos in the format "OGG" were able to be embedded, only videos in this format should be uploaded.

Videos in the ".ogg" format can be viewed directly on the pages. To do this, enter the following:

[[image:"name of the video".ogg]] 



Detailed information on the width, etc., as under "Embedding photos" using, as an example


[[image:MgSO4_Kristallisationsvideo.ogg|thumb|300px|Figure 1:Crystallisation of Magnesiumsulfat]]

the video will be shown as follows.

Error creating thumbnail:
Figure 1: Crystallisation of Magnesiumsulfat


<references/>  //all "footnotes" will be shown


Using the "DynamicPageList", it is possible to generate compilations of everything that is tagged using categories, e.g. all pages in the category "Niter" are listed with the following details:

  category = Niter
  format   = ,\n* [[%PAGE%]],,

The list (if input available):

Create a new list/table based on tables in different articles[edit]

With the extension DynamicPageList it is also possible to create lists from tables based on the same template according to the variables used there.

Here's an example: With the entries in the "info box" of the nitrate salts create a new, sortable table with the columns birefringence, refractive indices, molar volume, solubility and deliqueszenzhumidity.

The following DPL statements :

category        = Nitrat&Salt
include         = {Infobox_Salt}:birefringence:refractive_indices:molvolume:solubility :deliqueszenzhumidity
table           = class="wikitable sortable" ,birefringence,refractive_indices,molvolume,solubility,deliqueszenzhumidity
tablerow        =%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow align=center|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%
suppresserrors  = true 

You will get the resulting table (if input available):