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Templates for use in your articles you find below.

If you need a special template for use in your articles, please let me know on my discussion page Hans-Jürgen Schwarz

Outline of an article in SalzWiki[edit]

The following are suggestions for the outline of an article in SalzWiki.

Each article is a self-contained topic. Definitions are usually carried out in the glossary. If necessary, you can also do so in a separate article. A Wiki article focuses on the actual content and links on all topics that are provided and and are important for the understanding of the article.

The outline might look like (see e.g. the article NN):

Each page starts with the head of the page, as suggested below:

== Abstract ==

== Introduction ==

== Main chapter==

=== Sub-chapter===

== Web-links ==

== Literature ==

<bibprint/> : to use if at least one quote in Bibtex format is present in the text, otherwise the complete list of references is displayed!

If there are more than three headlines, the software automatically creates a table of contents that is inserted before the first heading.

Terms in an article that are already addressed in SaltWiki on a separate page, should be linked to these pages(Formatting tab: Internal Link).

Do you plan to write to a term, used in your article, a new, not yet existing article then you can put a link to that term. This link will be displayed in red, while links to existing articles are displayed in blue. On the exact spelling of existing articles is to pay attention to(uppercase and lowercase letters are different), otherwise any existing articles will not be displayed.

Head of a page[edit]


''back to [[SalzWiki:Portal|SalzWiki]]           
[[Category:"Topic"]] [[Category:"Author"]] [[Category:"Editor"]] [[Category:"Status"]] 
<bibimport/> allows the citation from the bibliography
'''Author/s:''' [[user:Hschwarz|Hans-Jürgen Schwarz]] Please insert author names, separated by commas. With user:"Author Name" is referred to the author page
back to [[SalzWiki:Portal|SalzWiki]] back link, here to SalzWiki
[[Category:"Topic"]] [[Category:"Author"]] [[Category:"Editor"]] [[Category:"Status"]] Categories are very important and have to be entered. The categories appear at the bottom of a page. For choosing the right category use the category tree link.


So far the following licenses are used for all files in the repository. To add a license, please insert the short form including the double curly brackets. Compare this to what you read in the text editing mode. If you need another license please contact the admin on his discussion page .

Creative-Commons-License: CC_BY-NC-SA_3.0[edit]

The template: {{CC_BY-NC-SA_3.0}}

Template:CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Creative-Commons-License: CC_BY-NC-ND_3.0[edit]

The template:{{CC_BY-NC-ND_3.0}}

Template:CC BY-NC-ND 3.0

Public Domain License[edit]

The template:{{PD}}


This file has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder, its copyright has expired, or it is ineligible for copyright.

Upload of Metadata[edit]

On the upload page you will find templates for the meta-data of the different files you intend to upload:

  • Photos
  • Published articles / books etc.
  • Grey literature
  • Unpublished reports
  • Scientific primary data
  • DOI meta data

Please copy the appropriate template in the upload form and fill it out completely.

By uploading, you confirm that the uploaded document / file is free of rights of third parties respectively you have permission to use.

Uploading is in the repository. To embed a file (eg a photo) in SalzWiki, you need to know the name of the file in the repository.

Here as an example:

Appearance of the template for photos:


Master copy

|Source =
|Date =
|Author/s =

Infobox Salts[edit]

When you create a page of a new salt, please use the template "Infobox_Salt" for the table with the characteristics of a salt. If the Infobox_Salt does not include all the desired parameters you need, please contact Hans-Jürgen Schwarz and write your desired parameters on the talk page.


Mineralogical name {{{mineralogical_Name}}}
Chemical name {{{chemical_Name}}}
Trivial name {{{Trivial_Name}}}
Chemical formula {{{chemical_Formula}}}
Other forms {{{Hydratforms}}}
Crystal system {{{Crystal_System}}}
Crystal structure {{{Crystal_Structure}}}
Deliquescence humidity 20°C {{{Deliqueszenzhumidity}}}
Solubility (g/l) at 20°C {{{Solubility}}}
Density (g/cm³) {{{Density}}}
Molar volume {{{MolVolume}}}
Molar weight {{{Molweight}}}
Transparency {{{Transparency}}}
Cleavage {{{Cleavage}}}
Crystal habit {{{Crystal_Habit}}}
Twinning {{{Twinning}}}
Phase transition {{{Phase_Transition}}}
Chemical behavior {{{chemBehavior}}}
Comments {{{Comments}}}
Crystal Optics
Refractive Indices {{{Refractive_Indices}}}
Birefringence {{{Birefringence}}}
Optical Orientation {{{optical_Orientation}}}
Pleochroism {{{Pleochroism}}}
Dispersion {{{Dispersion}}}
Used Literature

Master copy[edit]

|bild =
|chemischerName =
|Trivialname =
|chemFormel =
|Hydratformen =
|Kristallklasse =
|Deliqueszenzfeuchte =
|Dichte =
|Molvolumen =
|Molgewicht =
|Transparenz =
|Spaltbarkeit =
|Kristallhabitus =
|Zwillingsbildung =
|Brechungsindices =
|Doppelbrechung =
|Pleochroismus =
|Dispersion =
|Phasenübergang =
|chemVerhalten =
|Bemerkungen =

Table with heading[edit]

Format specifications for a table with 3 columns and 3 rows.
width= "52%" // specifies the table width in % of page width
align="left" // left, right = right justified, center = centered
bgcolor = "#FFFF99"| // specifies the background color for the field
class="wikitable sortable" // sorts all lines after the contents of the specific column on clicking
{|border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="52%" align="left" class="wikitable sortable"
|+''Tabelle 1: Table heading''                    <!-- insert Table heading -->
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|'''Column heading 1'''
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|'''Column heading 2'''
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|'''Column heading 3'''
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|row heading 1
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#FFFF99"|row heading 2
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text
|bgcolor = "#CCFFFF"|Text

<br clear="all">                 <!-- has the effect that the text does not flow around the table -->
Tabelle 1: Table heading
Column heading 1 Column heading 2 Column heading3
row heading 1 Text Text
row heading 2 Text Text

Embedding Photos[edit]

To embed a photo in a wiki page, please use this template, add the name of your image and adjust the formatting information, as discussed below.

[[Image:cpmlete name of the photo|thumb|center|300px|figure 1: text]] 

Image:file name - the name under which the image is present in the repository
thumb: indicates that the figure smaller as the original size is embedded, in a size that is specified in px = pixel
center: center
left-justified : left
richts-justified: right

300px : the image width is 300 pixels

Text: The caption is entered here

figure 1: text

Embed Ogg-Videos[edit]

Since only videos in the format "OGG" may be embedded, only videos in this forma should be uploaded. Many popular video editing programs do not yet offer the OGG format. With the free VLC player an OGG video can easily be created from a standard format. A brief introduction to this:

  • start VLC Media Player (if not available, installn)
  • In the menu Media choose "convert/save"
  • With Add choose the file to be converted
  • klick on "convert/save"
  • insert in the new menu the name of the target file (z.B. the same name as originally with the extension ".ogg")
  • in teh settings choose "Video - Theora+Vorbis(OGG)"
  • klick Start
  • the video is played and converted

Videos in the format. "Ogg" can be viewed directly on the Wikipage. Enter

[[image:"name of the video".ogg]] 



Detailed information on the width, etc. as described under "embed photos".


[[image:MgSO4_Kristallisationsvideo.ogg|thumb|300px|Crystallisation of Magnesiumsulfat]]

the video is displayed as shown.

Error creating thumbnail:
Figure 1: Crystallisation of Magnesiumsulfat


With the expansion "DynamicPageList" you can create lists/tables of all that is indexed by categories.

E.g. all pages belonging to the category plaster are listed with the following settings:


Create a new list/table based on tables in different articles[edit]

With the extension DynamicPageList it is also possible to create lists from tables based on the same template according to the variables used there.

Here's an example: With the entries in the "info box" of the nitrate salts create a new, sortable table with the columns birefringence, refractive indices, molar volume, solubility and deliqueszenzhumidity.

HIerzu gibt man folgende DPL- Anweisungen ein:

category = Nitrat&Salz
include ={Infobox_Salz}:Doppelbrechung:Brechungsindices:Molvolumen:Deliqueszenzfeuchte:Löslichkeit
table=class="wikitable sortable",Salz,Doppelbrechung,Brechungsindices,Molvolumen,Deliqueszenzfeuchte,Löslichkeit
tablerow=%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow align=center|%%,bgcolor=lightyellow|%%

The resulting table: