Moisture Measurement Methods
Athor: Hans-Jürgen Schwarz
English Translation by Sandra Leithäuser
back to Air Humidity Measurement
For determining the humidity present in the atmosphere, a wide variety of measuring methods are available [1] The selection of the most appropriate one is usually made by the person in charge of the operation taking into account the objective of the measurement and the location where it has to take place. For this purpose installing a moisture meter in the right place/right manner (meeting the necessary project requirements) may allow to obtain highly accurate data.
- Chilled Mirror Hygrometer
- Psychrometric Measuring Methods
- Capacitive Measuring Methods
- Hygrometric Measuring Methods
- LiCl Condensation Hygrometer
- Electrolytic Hygrometer
- Infrared Hygrometer
- Bi-Strip Hygrometer (Feather Hygrometer)
- Aluminium Oxide Sensor
- Resistive Sensors