Architectural Ceramics
Author: Hans-Jürgen Schwarz
Back to Decay Pattern
Für Baukeramik typische Schadensbilder werden vorgestellt und anhand von Abbildungen erläutert.
Decay Pattren on Architectural Ceramics
Salt-induced damage to bricks are common.
Damage to bricks can look like this:
- Decay pattern on a brick of the St.Jakobi church in Perleberg
Figure 3: Photomicrograph as Fig 2 but with crossed polarisers. It is clearly seen that the plaster is both responsible for the damage and on the other hand, he acts in this case as a kind of glue that holds together the broken brick pieces. With the removal of the original plaster the brick material would be lost.
Back Weathering
- Schäden an einem Gebäude in Lüneburg
- Efflorescences on Architectural Ceramics