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Working with "Bibliography"

With the extension "Bibliography" references can be edited, they can be cited in articles and added in the same format at the end of an article in the References list.

At the beginning of the article, in which a reference should be cited, the command


has to be used.

In the text a quote can be given in two ways:

<bib  id=Autor:2004 />
<bib id=Autor:2004>Alternate text</bib>

If there is one author, just the surname has to be used like "Arnold"
with severeal authors the surname of the first and the extension ".etal" as e.g. "Arnold.etal"

It follows then ":"

then follows the year of the article, like 2001. as "2001a"

The complete "id" would therefore be "Arnold:2002" or "Arnold:2002c" (with thre articles in 2002) or "Arnold.etal:2001".

The ID must not have an umlaut or special characters such as "_"in it!

The extension Bibliography considers whether that citation already exists or not. If this is already there, then the correct quote is presented in abbreviated form in the reference list , like

[Steiger.etal:2007]:(2007). Special issue on salt decay. Environmental Geology Volume: 52,  Number: 2, Pages: 186

If the quote is missing, you get a notice with a link to the edit page as e.g.

[Steiger:2001]: Reference is missing. Please add it to the Bibliography as book, article, misc,
In the preview a given reference is not show properly. Only when you save it, it appears correct.
The link leads you to the extension biblioh graphy, where you can edit the BibteX input form, e.g.
	@book{Autor:2004,           //for the id may not be used umlauts, e.g. Mueller
	 author = {Someone},
	 title  = {Virtual Reality basics},
 	 year   = {2004},
 	 url    = {},
 	 publisher = {Publisher},
	 abstract = {},
 ''"to translate"'' 

If a reference exist as a pdf full text file, the filename has to be edited.

 fulltext     = {Datei:Alveolar_Copenhagen_2008.pdf},

Given a


, the refenernce list will be printed.

Other output options are:

  • <bibprint></bibprint> prints the complete reference list
  • <bibprint>Author1 Author2</bibprint> prints the references beloging to the authors Author1 and Author2
  • <bibprint>Author1 2006</bibprint> prints the references beloging to the author1 Author1 or piblished in 2006
  • <bibprint year='2006'>Author1</bibprint> prints the references which Author1 has published in 2006
  • <bibprint year='2006' highlight='no'>Author1</bibprint> prints the references which Author1 has published in 2006 without highlighting.

This works only if there are no BibTeX citations in the text above.

Language: English