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English version by Christa Gerdwilker

HJS Na2SO4-slides-110703-10x-1.jpg
Mineralogical name Mirabilite
Chemical name Sodium sulfate decahydrate
Trivial name Glauber salt, Reussin, Sulphate of Soda
Chemical formula Na2SO4•10H2O
Other forms Sodium sulphate heptahydrate Na2SO4•7H2O
Crystal system monoclinic
Crystal structure
Deliquescence humidity 20°C 93.6% (20°C), 90% (23°C), 87% (25°C)
Solubility (g/l) at 20°C 900 g/l
Density (g/cm³) 1.464 g/cm³
Molar volume 219.8 cm3/mol
Molar weight 322.21 g/mol
Transparency transparent to opaque
Cleavage perfect
Crystal habit
Phase transition
Chemical behavior
Comments soluble in water and glycerin,
not soluble in pure alcohol
easily loses some water, converts to thenardite at 32°C
abnormal blue or brown interference colors
Crystal Optics
Refractive Indices nx = 1.395
ny = 1.396-1.410
nz = 1.398-1.419
Birefringence Δ = 0.04-0.023
Optical Orientation negative
Used Literature

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Solubility properties[edit]

Figure1: Solubility of thenardite and mirabilite in comparison to other salts[after [Stark.etal:1996]Title: Bauschädliche Salze
Author: Stark, Jochen; Stürmer, Sylvia
Link to Google Scholar

Under the polarizing microscope[edit]



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