Author | Massa, V.,; Pizzigoni, G.; Chiavarini, M. |
Year | 1996 |
Title | The study of salts distribution on frescoes. A non-destructive assessment method |
Bibtex | @inproceedings { Massa.etal:1996a,
title = {he study of salts distribution on frescoes. A non-destructive assessment method}, booktitle = {Origin Mechanisms and Effects of Salts on Degradation of Monuments in Marine and Continental Environments, Bari}, year = {1996}, editor = {Zezza, F. }, series = {EC - European Commission Workshop}, pages = {387-391}, publisher = {TECNOMACK; European Commission }, note = {The E.C. Prolect Marine spray and polluted atmosphere as factors of damage to monuments in the Mediterranean coastal environment: objectives and results F Zezza Atmospheric aerosols and deposition near historic buildings: chemistry, sources, interrelations and relevance R Van Grieken, K Torfs Neoformation decay products on the monument's surface due to marine spray and polluted atmosphere in relation to indoor and, outdoor climate V. Fassina Monitoring of some meteorological variables related with hygroscopic products occurring at monuments of the Mediterranean basin L. Aires-Barros Representative stones from the Sanctuary of Demeter in Eleusis (Greece), Sta. Marija Ta' Cwerra of Siggiewi (Mal- ta) and Bari (Italy) and Cadiz (Spain) Cathedrals: petro- graphic characteristics, physical properties and alteration products E. Galan, L. Aires-Barros, B. Christaras, A. Kassoli-Fournaraki, B. Fitzner, F Zezza Salt spray tests on untreated and treated marble and stonesTh. Skoulikidis7 E. Kalifatidou, K Tsakona, M. Evangelatou Decay patterns of weathered stones in marine environment F Zezza Origin and behaviour of some salts in the context of weathering on monuments A. Arnold An expert chemical model for determining the environmental conditions needed to prevent salt damage in porous materials C. A. Price The role of salt crystallization in the degradation processes of granite monuments M. A. Vicente The role of climate on stone weathering D. Camuffo Crystallization of sulphate salts induced by selective salt extraction by poultices: results from a case study J. Weber, H. Leitner, W. Gaggl, R Szambelan ; Relation between type of soluble salts and decay forms in granitic coastal churches in Galicia (NW Spain) B. Silva, T Rivas, B. Prieto Sea-salt crystallizations from atmospheric aerosols at Delos archaeological site (Cydades Islands, Greece) A. Chabas, RA. Lefevre Simulated degradation of marbles under marine salt spray E Auger Representative stones and weathering forms at Histria Fortress, Romania M. Benea The application of the acoustic emission technique to stone decay by sodium sulphate in laboratory tests C.M. Grossi RM. Esbert Halotolerant and halophilic bacteria associated to efflorescences in Jerez Cathedral C Incerti A filamentous green alga from aquatic saline environment in mortars and stuccos from archaeological sites of southern Spain X Arino, C. Saiz-Jimenez Distribution of salt mixtures in a sandstone monument: sources, transport and crystallization properties M. Steiger Impregnation with reactive polymers as preservation technique for stones J. Bordado Origin and stone material characteristics in the protection of monuments. The case of the archaeological site of Eleusis, in Athens B. Christaras Particularities in studying the physical and mechanical properties of stones in monuments. Examples from the Mediterranean basin B. Christaras Weathering of building stones in the Mediterranean coastalenvironment. Analysis of samples from Hopps Palace in Mazara del Vallo (Sicily) R Corrvo, G. Rizzo, C. Sunseri Investigation on the moisture and salt migration in the wall masonry and on the presence of salt efflorescences on stone surface in the Church of Sta. Marija Ta' Cwerra at Siggiewi, Malta V. Fassina Principal decay patterns on the archaeological site of Demeter Sanctuary in Eleusis: weathering mechanism V. Fassina, A. Moropoulou, A. Rattazzi Baumberg calcareous sandstone - a sensor material for various environmental influences - comparative results of a field exposure study R Fimmel, P W Mirwald Model for salt weathering at maltese globigerina limestones B. Fitzner, K Heinrichs, M. Volker Monument mapping - a contribution to monument preservation B. Fitzner, K Heinrichs, M. Volker Porosity properties and weathering behaviour of natural stones B. Fitzner, R Kownatzki, D. Bosten The Cathedral of Cadiz (Spain). Environmental study and stone damage evaluationE. Galan, M.A. Guerrero, M.A. Vazquez, M.I. Carretero, P. Ortiz Cryo-preparation during scanning electron microscope investigations to visualize alt-solutions inside the pores of historical building materials H. Juling, E Schlutter, M. Langenfeld, R Blaschke Use of liquid crystals as deterioration indicators on marble surfaces at the Archaeological Site of Eleusis M. Koui, K Bisbikou The study of the salts distribution on frescoes. A non-destructive assessment method V. Massa, G. Pizzigoni, M. Chiavarini Multivariate data analysis applied to salt efflorescences occurring at Sta. Marija T' Cwerra Church (Malta) A. Mauricio, L. Aires-Barros, V. Fassina, J. Cassar, A. Torpiano Environmental outdoor impact assessment on ancient monuments; the case of the Sanctuary of Demeter in Eleusis A. Moropoulou, K Bisbikou, M. Stagakis, G. Stathis, R Van Grieken, K Torf Types of chemical and biochemical degradation found as developed at Histria Fortress - Romania I Neagoe, C. Berindan The replacement of the medieval blocks of limestone in the masonry of Bari Cathedral. A propaedeutic research for the study of the decay development in the time S. Previtero Techniques and technologies for conservation measures at historic monuments R. Prickartz Environmental effects on deterioration of monuments: case study of the Church of Sta. Marija Ta' Cwerra, Malta K Torfs, R Van Grieken, J. Cassar A neutron activation analysis study of the limestone of the Bari Cathedral F Zezza, S. Calogero Study of environmental effects on deterioration of monuments: case study the Cathedral of Bari, Italy F Zezza, K Torfs, R Van Grieken, N. Grcia Pascua, E Macri Microclimate of Bari}, author = {Massa, V., and Pizzigoni, G. and Chiavarini, M.} } |
DOI | - |
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Notes | in: Zezza, F. (Hrsg.): Origin Mechanisms and Effects of Salts on Degradation of Monuments in Marine and Continental Environments, Bari,TECNOMACK; European Commission p.387-391 |
[Massa.etal:1996a] | Massa, V.,; Pizzigoni, G.; Chiavarini, M. (1996): he study of salts distribution on frescoes. A non-destructive assessment method. In: Zezza, F. (eds.): Origin Mechanisms and Effects of Salts on Degradation of Monuments in Marine and Continental Environments, Bari,TECNOMACK; European Commission 387-391. | ![]() |
The E.C. Prolect Marine spray and polluted atmosphere as factors of damage to monuments in the Mediterranean coastal environment: objectives and results F Zezza Atmospheric aerosols and deposition near historic buildings: chemistry, sources, interrelations and relevance R Van Grieken, K Torfs Neoformation decay products on the monument's surface due to marine spray and polluted atmosphere in relation to indoor and, outdoor climate V. Fassina Monitoring of some meteorological variables related with hygroscopic products occurring at monuments of the Mediterranean basin L. Aires-Barros Representative stones from the Sanctuary of Demeter in Eleusis (Greece), Sta. Marija Ta' Cwerra of Siggiewi (Mal- ta) and Bari (Italy) and Cadiz (Spain) Cathedrals: petro- graphic characteristics, physical properties and alteration products E. Galan, L. Aires-Barros, B. Christaras, A. Kassoli-Fournaraki, B. Fitzner, F Zezza Salt spray tests on untreated and treated marble and stonesTh. Skoulikidis7 E. Kalifatidou, K Tsakona, M. Evangelatou Decay patterns of weathered stones in marine environment F Zezza Origin and behaviour of some salts in the context of weathering on monuments A. Arnold An expert chemical model for determining the environmental conditions needed to prevent salt damage in porous materials C. A. Price The role of salt crystallization in the degradation processes of granite monuments M. A. Vicente The role of climate on stone weathering D. Camuffo Crystallization of sulphate salts induced by selective salt extraction by poultices: results from a case study J. Weber, H. Leitner, W. Gaggl, R Szambelan ; Relation between type of soluble salts and decay forms in granitic coastal churches in Galicia (NW Spain) B. Silva, T Rivas, B. Prieto Sea-salt crystallizations from atmospheric aerosols at Delos archaeological site (Cydades Islands, Greece) A. Chabas, RA. Lefevre Simulated degradation of marbles under marine salt spray E Auger Representative stones and weathering forms at Histria Fortress, Romania M. Benea The application of the acoustic emission technique to stone decay by sodium sulphate in laboratory tests C.M. Grossi RM. Esbert Halotolerant and halophilic bacteria associated to efflorescences in Jerez Cathedral C Incerti A filamentous green alga from aquatic saline environment in mortars and stuccos from archaeological sites of southern Spain X Arino, C. Saiz-Jimenez Distribution of salt mixtures in a sandstone monument: sources, transport and crystallization properties M. Steiger Impregnation with reactive polymers as preservation technique for stones J. Bordado Origin and stone material characteristics in the protection of monuments. The case of the archaeological site of Eleusis, in Athens B. Christaras Particularities in studying the physical and mechanical properties of stones in monuments. Examples from the Mediterranean basin B. Christaras Weathering of building stones in the Mediterranean coastalenvironment. Analysis of samples from Hopps Palace in Mazara del Vallo (Sicily) R Corrvo, G. Rizzo, C. Sunseri Investigation on the moisture and salt migration in the wall masonry and on the presence of salt efflorescences on stone surface in the Church of Sta. Marija Ta' Cwerra at Siggiewi, Malta V. Fassina Principal decay patterns on the archaeological site of Demeter Sanctuary in Eleusis: weathering mechanism V. Fassina, A. Moropoulou, A. Rattazzi Baumberg calcareous sandstone - a sensor material for various environmental influences - comparative results of a field exposure study R Fimmel, P W Mirwald Model for salt weathering at maltese globigerina limestones B. Fitzner, K Heinrichs, M. Volker Monument mapping - a contribution to monument preservation B. Fitzner, K Heinrichs, M. Volker Porosity properties and weathering behaviour of natural stones B. Fitzner, R Kownatzki, D. Bosten The Cathedral of Cadiz (Spain). Environmental study and stone damage evaluationE. Galan, M.A. Guerrero, M.A. Vazquez, M.I. Carretero, P. Ortiz Cryo-preparation during scanning electron microscope investigations to visualize alt-solutions inside the pores of historical building materials H. Juling, E Schlutter, M. Langenfeld, R Blaschke Use of liquid crystals as deterioration indicators on marble surfaces at the Archaeological Site of Eleusis M. Koui, K Bisbikou The study of the salts distribution on frescoes. A non-destructive assessment method V. Massa, G. Pizzigoni, M. Chiavarini Multivariate data analysis applied to salt efflorescences occurring at Sta. Marija T' Cwerra Church (Malta) A. Mauricio, L. Aires-Barros, V. Fassina, J. Cassar, A. Torpiano Environmental outdoor impact assessment on ancient monuments; the case of the Sanctuary of Demeter in Eleusis A. Moropoulou, K Bisbikou, M. Stagakis, G. Stathis, R Van Grieken, K Torf Types of chemical and biochemical degradation found as developed at Histria Fortress - Romania I Neagoe, C. Berindan The replacement of the medieval blocks of limestone in the masonry of Bari Cathedral. A propaedeutic research for the study of the decay development in the time S. Previtero Techniques and technologies for conservation measures at historic monuments R. Prickartz Environmental effects on deterioration of monuments: case study of the Church of Sta. Marija Ta' Cwerra, Malta K Torfs, R Van Grieken, J. Cassar A neutron activation analysis study of the limestone of the Bari Cathedral F Zezza, S. Calogero Study of environmental effects on deterioration of monuments: case study the Cathedral of Bari, Italy F Zezza, K Torfs, R Van Grieken, N. Grcia Pascua, E Macri Microclimate of Bari.