Measured Variables

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Author: Hans-Jürgen Schwarz

Back to Air Humidity Measurement


The moisture content in the air is measured using dew point, saturation humidity, relative humidity (RH), absolute humidity and the moisture level.

Dew point[edit]

The dew point temperature is the temperature at which the air is saturated with a specific amount of water vapor, i.e. condensation takes place due to a higher supply of water vapor or to cooling of the air. The saturated state is still retained. The dew point temperature is equal to the water vapor saturation temperature and cannot exceed 100ºC at standard pressure.

Saturation humidity[edit]

Saturation humidity is amount of water vapor contained in one cubic meter of air at a specific temperature.

German Wikipedia, original upload 18. Mär 2005 by Markus Schweiß

Relative Humidity[edit]

Relative humidity is the ratio between water vapor partial pressure (Pw) in the atmosphere and the maximum possible water vapor pressure, i.e. the water vapor saturation pressure (PS) at a given temperature [1].

Relative humidity RH is the ratio of water vapor that is actually contained in the air against the maximum possible mass of water vapor in the air.

Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle RH = 100\cdot\frac{P_W}{P_s(T)}[\text{\%}]}

The relative humidity is a quantity without dimension. It is a ratio and represented by in %. Because the saturation pressure depends exclusively on the air temperature, the relative humidity depends on temperature, too. The relative humidity decreases as temperature increases and vice versa.

Even at temperatures below melting point (0°C/32°F) the air contains water vapor. Ice sometimes passes into the gaseous state without melting. This process is called sublimation. In winter, for example, the snow disappears even if the temperature never rises above melting point. Similarly, at low temperatures water vapor can directly pass into the solid state by sublimation (rime, graupel/ snow pellets).

Tabelle 1: Effect of +/- 1°C temperature fluctuation at different temperature and humidity levels (the change in RH is not symmetrical)
RF\T 10°C 20°C 30°C 50°C 70°C
10,00% ± 0,7 % ± 0,6 % ± 0,6 % ± 0,5 % ± 0,5 %
50,00% ± 3,5 % ± 3,2 % ± 3,0 % ± 2,6 % ± 2,3 %
90,00%  6,3 % ± 5,7 % ± 5,4 % ± 4,6 % ± 4,1 %

At temperatures below 0°C the water vapor pressure of liquiod water (supercooled) is different to ice.

Tabelle 2: RH and its interdependences
Temperatur [°C] at 960 hPa at relative humidity: [g/m³] at 1013 hPa [g/m³]
  100% r.F. 80% r.F. 50% r.F. 100% r.F.
30 29 23,2 14,5 30,4
20 16,5 13,2 8,25 17,3
10 9,0 7,2 4,5 9,4
0 4,6 3,7 2,3 4,8

Mixing ratio[edit]

The mixing ratio X or moisture level in [g/kg] represents the ratio of water vapor mass to the mass of dry air

Absolute humidity[edit]

The absolute humidity (AH) stands for the amount of water vapor that is contained in a given volume of air.

Absolute humidity AH means the amount of water vapor that is actually contained in one cubic meter of air.

The unit for absolute humidity is g/m3. Measuring the absolute humidity has the advantage that the actual amount of water, which is present (e.g. in a gas) is revealed, irrespective of the temperature.

The relationship between temperature, absolute humidity and relative humidity is represented in the Mollier-Diagramm .

In order to understand the true condition of humidity in the atmosphere, the temperature must be stated as well as the relative humidity, because of their interdependence.

Example: Air at 25 ºC can hold up to 23 g/m3 of water vapor maximum, until saturation. If it only contains 11,5 g/m3, the relative humidity is at 50% RH.

The water vapor content of the air is not only dependent on air temperature, but also, to a lesser extent dependent on the air pressure. The air pressure fluctuates with respect to weather conditions, the height of the measuring point above sea level and the latitude of the measuring site.

