"Mauerwerkssalze verstehen" Workshop und Tagung[edit]
TH Cologne, September 26th and 27th, 2024
On September 26th and 27th, 2024, SiK e.V., the Institute for Restoration and Conservation Science at the TH Cologne and the Office for Monument Preservation of the Landschaftsverbandes Rheinland are jointly organizing an event on the influence of salts on buildings.
The practice-oriented event is aimed at conservation scientists; Restorers; natural scientists; Engineers and architects who are confronted with the problem of salt damage to buildings and cultural assets and/or are involved in the analysis of salt samples.
The event is divided into a workshop part on September 26th, 2024 with lots of information from the organizers and a conference part with an excursion on September 27th, 2024. A call for papers is currently seeking contributions for this.
[Here] you will find the invitation to the event with the preliminary program, call for papers and registration for the event.
SWBSS ASIA 2023 on September 20-22, 2023 in Nara, Japan[edit]
SWBSS is the conference series “Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures”, started in 2008. The conference aims at bringing together conservators, restorers, engineers, architects, academics, students and experienced researchers and to contribute thereby to the promotion of research and development within the field of salt weathering of porous materials.
Its previous series were held in Copenhagen (2008), Limassol (2011), Brussel (2014), Potsdam (2017), and Delft (2021). An idea of SWBSS ASIA as the conference series to be held in Asian countries was proposed at Potsdam in 2017 and its first meeting, SWBSS ASIA 2023, was announced at Delft in 2021. SWBSS ASIA 2023 was held at Nara, Japan, on September 20-22, 2023.
The proceedings of the conference you will find [here].
Shaoheng Wang; Amelie Stahlbuhk; Michael Steiger (2024): Hydration and deliquescence behavior of calcium chloride hydrates. In: Fluid Phase Equilibria, 585 (), 114171, Webadresse,
Dong-Mei Chen; Kun Yuan; Xian-Ming Zhang (2024): Morphology transformation of Na2SO4 from prism into dendrite enhanced desalination efficiency in sandstone by biodegradable polycarboxylate modifiers. In: Construction and Building Materials, 411 (), 134513, Webadresse,
Amelie Stahlbuhk; Michael Steiger (2024): Damage potential and supersaturation of nitrates relevant to salt damage of porous building materials. In: Construction and Building Materials, 419 (), 135413, Webadresse,
Encarnación Ruiz-Agudo; Aurelia Ibañez-Velasco; Cristina Ruiz-Agudo; Sarah Bonilla-Correa; Kerstin Elert; Carlos Rodríguez-Navarro (2024): Damage of porous building stone by sodium carbonate crystallization and the effect of crystallization modifiers. In: Construction and Building Materials, 411 (), 134591, Webadresse,
Masaru Abuku and Nobumitsu Takatori (Eds) (2023): Proceedings of SWBSS ASIA 2023. First International Conference in Asia on Salt Weathering of Buildings and Stone Sculptures, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties Nara, Japan September 20-22, 2023, link to the proceedings
Godts, S., Orr, S.A., Steiger, M. et al. Salt mixtures in stone weathering. Sci Rep 13, 13306 (2023).
Godts, S.; Steiger, M.; Orr, S.A.; Stahlbuhk, A.; Desarnaud, J.; De Clercq, H.; Cnudde, V.; De Kock, T. Modeling Salt Behavior with ECOS/RUNSALT: Terminology, Methodology, Limitations, and Solutions. Heritage ( 2022) 5, 3648-3663.
Lubelli, B., Rörig-Daalgard, I., Aguilar, A.M. et al. Recommendation of RILEM TC 271-ASC: New accelerated test procedure for the assessment of resistance of natural stone and fired-clay brick units against salt crystallization. Mater Struct 56, 101 (2023).
Eggert, G.: Saturated salt solutions in showcases: humidity control and pollutant absorption. Heritage Science, 10 (53) (2022).
Germinario, L.; Oguchi, C.T.: Gypsum, mirabilite, and thenardite efflorescences of tuff stone in the underground environment. Environ Earth Sci 81, 242 (2022). Link to PDF:
Godts, S.; Steiger, M.; Orr, S.A. et al.: Charge balance calculations for mixed salt systems applied to a large dataset from the built environment. Sci Data 9, 324 (2022). Link to PDF:
Eggert, G., Fischer, A. (2021): The formation of formates: a review of metal formates on heritage objects. Herit Sci 9, 26 (2021).
Shen, Y. Linnow, K. and Steiger, M.: Crystallization Behavior and Damage Potential of Na2SO4–NaCl Mixtures in Porous Building Materials: Cryst. Growth Des. 2020, 20, 9, 5974–5985,
Granneman, S.J.C.; Lubelli, B.; van Hees, R.P.J.: Effect of mixed in crystallization modifiers on the resistance of lime mortar against NaCl and Na2SO4 crystallization. Construction and Building Materials , vol.194, S.62-70, 2019,
Andreotti, S.; Franzoni, E.; Ruiz-Agudo, E.; Scherer, G.W.; Fabbri, P.; Sassoni, E.; Rodriguez-Navarro, C.: New polymer-based treatments for the prevention of damage by salt crystallization in stone. Materials , 52 (17), Webadresse,
Sögütoglu, L.; Steiger, M.; Houben, J.; Biemans, D.; Fischer, H.R.; Donkers, P.; Huinink, H.; and Adan, O.: Understanding the Hydration Process of Salts: The Impact of a Nucleation Barrier, Cryst. Growth Des., Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01908, Publication Date (Web): February 14, 2019,
Vazquez, P.; Thomachot-Schneider, C.; Mouhoubi, K.; Bodnar, J-L.; Avdelidis, N. P.; Charles, D.; Benavente, D. Sodium sulfate crystallisation monitoring using IR Thermography (2018): Infrared Physics & Technology
Volume 89, March 2018, Pages 231-241,,
Looking for authors:
If you are interested in writing an article or making an English version of an article already published in the German SalzWiki please [contact] us.